Every purchase gives back to our community.


When you support Greenswell, you support our community. From feeding those in need to supporting education programs, your dollars have lasting impact.


Why we give back 5%

Everyone deserves access to clean, safe, nutritious food, which is why we’ve partnered up with Virginia’s largest nonprofit food distributor, Feed More, and local food distributor, Goochland Cares, to provide in-kind donations of our high-quality leafy greens.

We believe that food security is essential for our community’s success, so we’re committed to making sure our neighbors never struggle to put clean, healthy food on their tables.

food has the power to change lives stamp
Image courtesy of Feed More

Image courtesy of Feed More


A lasting partnership

Companies and community organizations play a vital role in Feed More’s fight against hunger. Feed More is one of the backbone nonprofits in Central Virginia and is a highly respected and trusted organization in the community. With a variety of ways to support our mission, Feed More offers an impactful charitable relationship for both the community and Greenswell Growers.

As one of the largest non-profit food distribution sources in Virginia, we rely on partners like Greenswell Growers to help feed our neighbors in need.

Future Readiness at Goochland County High School

Investing in our community means investing in our youth, which is why Greenswell is partnering with Goochland County High School’s Career and Technical Education program to provide curriculums that prepare them for the economy of the future. Thanks to our cutting edge facility, we can provide student experiences inside our state of the art facility, teaching them about Controlled Environmental Agriculture (CEA), marketing, operations and logistics, mechatronics, and culinary arts.

We are working closely with the school system to create a meaningful and impactful course work that will give each participant academic and hands-on experiences aimed at preparing them for careers of the future.


Learn more about the team behind the greens